There’s lots to see: the ancient Acropolis with its dramatic hillside theater, a decent archeological museum, the huge Red Basilica, and the many marble columns of the Asclepion (medical center)(). Guided tours are available from İzmir.
Pergamum’s dramatic acropolis, 5 km northeast of the city center, is the high point (pun intended) of your visit. More…
Red Basilica
At the foot of the acropolis, this ancient Egyptian temple still inspires awe by is sheer size. More…
Bergama Museum
The first museum in Turkey dedicated to artifacts discovered nearby, it’s worth a look for its sculpture and temple models. More…
Pergamum’s ancient medical center, directed by Galen, founder of modern medicine, was the most famous in the world at the time. There’s still lots to see. More…
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